Granny Hall

Annie Hall is now 80. In fact she is now affectionately known as Granny Hall. She is not homeless, but due to her questionable fashion sense, she looks it. Oversized men’s attire that once charmed American cinema audiences, now seems sad and uncomfortable. But Granny is nothing if not consistent. She fancies herself as quite the bon vivant, flapping and flinging herself along the streets of Manhattan. No longer sought by paramours, she dreams of Alvy her neurotic boyfriend (played by REDACTED) who once killed two spiders in her bathroom. 

(Record scratch)

And, what do you know, those spiders had a younger brother who saw the whole sordid murder of his arachnid ancestors and vowed revenge. And, it turns out that spider was albino and some titty tears dropped on him and turned him into a giant monster, hell bent on revenge. Scotch Hopkins reprises his legendary role as the killer spider of the dreams of Dajit. Now he’s roaming the streets of Manhattan looking for his revenge on Granny Hall and her ex Alvy! 

Another epic production from the Danzig Cinematic Universe.