Abe’s of Maine Bear

Deep in the Maine swamp an illegal electronics discounter operation is about to ship a load of gray market Walkman clones. Suddenly a Hi-fi enthusiast Grizzly bear wanders into the big box operation and attacks the crew, they scatter, terrified of the audiophile behemoth. The bear sees the unbelievably low priced Walkmans and grabs at lease 30 of them! As the bear ambles toward the checkout counter she notices the brand name on the boxes. Zony? WTF? Almost instantly the bear is enraged at the thought of these scammers selling bootleg products to innocent wildlife. The bear files complaints with the BBB, (Bear Business Bureau), the Maine Consumer Protection Agency, and reporter Stu Moody of channel ABC 4s Scam Busters Squad. Unfortunately current Maine law protects scammers as “ethically altered and differently accountable.” Then, in a surprise twist, the bear is shot and made into a rug. Curse you, modern nature’s woke brutality!