Are you there Margaret? It's Me, God.

Margaret is a 57 year old divorcee, living in Boca. She carries on with her life as one does, white wine and pickleball, golfcarts and hard candy. One day Margaret hears a voice, that apparently only she can hear. The booming voice in her head is none other than our Lord. But what would an omnipotent spiritual being need with advice from a mere mortal? Strange requests flood her mind. "Build a shrine to David Hasselhof in your back yard." "Burn all your clothes and wear only duct tape."

Should she carry these out? Should she ignore them? Confusion reigns. And people are starting to talk, about Margaret and her strange behavior. Her friend Ethel thinks she might be going nutty, but is too nice to say anything.

When the police get involved, tasers are deployed and all hell breaks loose. Could it be the work of the Devil? Probably. Or dementia. One or the other.