Sonic Trucker

A long-haul trucker with a heart of gold and a lead foot makes a deal with a corporation to "expedite" a series of hauls in exchange for a truckload of money. If he can succeed, he'll finally have enough money to pay for expensive and life-saving medical treatments that the trucker's daughter needs. If he fails, his daughter will most likely be dead and the corporation will own him and his truck for the rest of his life. 

The problem: this is corporate America. When it looks like he'll succeed against the odds, the corporation seizes an opportunity to use a failed presidential candidate's calls for protests against the election results. Duped by the corporation, truckers across the country stage their rigs as blockades along the highway. 

With only one haul left to pay for his daughter's final treatment, will the trucker be able to make the cross-country haul in time? There is a reason his call sign is Sonic...