Assisted Suicide Squad

Comic book movies are having a tough go of it lately. Marvel movies aren’t exciting the fanbase or the box office any more, and DC is rejiggering their entire slate to go in a new direction. What are crestfallen comic book nerds to do? Start some flame wars on the internet of course! But one motley crew of jaded comic movie filmmakers have had enough of these online instigators and band together IRL to go on a troll hunt after uncovering the home and basement addresses of the most active and vociferous internet critics in a doxxing incident. Dubbing themselves ASS, the Assisted Suicide Squad, they travel from city to city expunging these pests in increasingly more flagrant and hilarious ways under the banner of restoring balance to the superhero movie order. But what will they do when they encounter their nemesis, Zack Snyder, now in charge of a competing faction known as SAC, the Snyderverse Apologist Contigent, who are endeavoring to save the lives of his greatest supporters, these same internet trolls? With the might of Netflix’s deep pockets funding Snyder ASS is in for a cataclysmic showdown against the mighty SAC and we all will pay the price. Look forward to no less than 37 different director’s edits when this epic resurfaces on Netflix each month for the rest of time…