Hot Pockets: Food of the Gods

Nestle has been taking a beating in the press lately, with all the child slaving and water stealing and such. In an effort to shine up their halo, they are underwriting the making of this epic historical presentation focused on the origins of the Hot Pocket. Our story begins on Mount Olympus with Zeus needing a quick snack to support all of his abduction and “seduction” of mortals. Apollo hears this and grabs a chunk of the sun on his way across the morning sky and stuffs it into a pita. Zeus bites into the savory solar sustenance and immediately sets his mouth on fire! In his thunderous god voice he exclaimed, “Hot. F*ck it!”. And thus the Hot Pocket was born. Soon it was the chosen food of hungry teens everywhere on earth, though they had to substitute pepperoni for a piece of the sun.