Austin's 11

Joe Rogan and his merry band of sycophants are up to no good in this high stakes caper film. Burt Chrysler, Tom Seagrams, Ari Shuffler, Joey Doughy, Shane Gilligan, and an epic cast of hack comedians who enjoy careers bestowed on them by Rogan, support the movie.  But the clear star is the gorgeous city of Austin, Texas (yee haw!). A city filled with pasty white hipster exiles and dead eyed wannabe comics battling to get on the Mothership with their “Tight Five” dancing in their heads. The crew plan a big con that will rake in millions of dollars using only, a podcast, YouTube, racism, pseudoscience, an overwhelming sense of superiority, and hundreds of questionable, often stolen, jokes. Carlos Mencia and Amy Schumer guest as Las Vegas Icons, Thieve and Greedy.