Revengers Assemble

I know I know you’re saying “Not another pitch about the stupid, shitty election, and the stupid, even shittier results!” Yes. I’m afraid this pitch teat is still fully engorged and I for one intend to feed on it for the next two years at least.

Anyway… This action thriller, loosely based on the oh so popular Marvel movies, is all about DTJ assembling a squad of super-zeros to get revenge on everyone and everything he can think of. Set in the TCU, DJT calls for all his Super-Zero “friends” otherwise known as “people who haven’t pissed him off yet” to join him at T***p Towers to set up a diabolical plan. There’s The Feel-on Moosk - a billionaire nerd king whose power is buying shit and ruining it. There’s Dog Woman - A dog sharpshooter who can only kill tied up puppies. There’s Mrs. McMahon - who is a torture specialist having been tortured by Mr McMahon for 40 years. There’s Dr Oz-ymandias, a once brilliant surgeon who fell from grace after falling into a pit full of money. His super power is getting people to buy shit that is not good for them under the guise of wellness. Then there is the one and only Boston Beastmaster, aka RFK Jr. He is a deluded psychopath whose superpower is disgracing his family and their legacy. Also eating roadkill.

Hell bent on repaying the “Liberal Fake Media Elites” for having mocked his adult diaper use, his strange Golden Tamarin (look it up.) pelt sewn to his head, his inability to read, or his having the palate of a eight year old “on the spectrum”, he schemes with his squad, in between Diet Coke and Chikkie Nuggie breaks, to take down the “Deep State Swamp Cabal” that is keeping him from getting elected. Oh, wait, no they are keeping him from crowning himself God Emperor of the Universe, and all that that entails.

Fuck it. This pitch is done. Look forward to the next one!