Whiteboard Eraser

It's Sweet Sweetback meets Shaft with a little Dolemite and Marky-Mark-less Four Brothers thrown in. But much much much heavier on revenge. In this Blackspoitation movie updated for our current times we meet Robert, a middle-aged social worker in a bustling community on the cusp of gentrification. CaucasiaCorp Int., led by its ruthless CEO (played by Colin Jost) and its DEI-oblivious board members have been systematically pushing members of Robert's community out, to make way for the country’s first 50 acre Lululemon Cafe superstore. But when they extend their tactics to include murdering children and the elderly in drawn out montages filled with superfluous amounts of fire and slow motion, Robert breaks his vow to never again use his Green Beret slash MMA champion slash NFL linebacker slash Yakuza assassin background for violence again. Watch as Robert takes down the evil CaucasiaCorp one board member at a time, pausing only to make stinging post-murder one-liners and sweet sweet love to the ladies.