President Evil

After fuming for years about how the United States political landscape has become more hellish than Hell itself the Devil decides to confirm his presence to the American masses by joining the presidential race. Initially running as an independent he is shocked to learn that one of the major political parties wants to endorse his candidacy, betting that his combination of stumping in states chanting only in Latin curses and being half-man half-goat will appeal to both the religious right and the inclusion-desperate left. As the campaign cycle spins up Satan gets a taste of his own infernal medicine: the barrage of having to find a running mate, appear on national news programs constantly, and having his entire sinister background exposed to the masses by skeptical journalists giving him a sense of fatigue that leads to him sympathizing with his tortured throngs in Hell for the first time. As the ballots are tabulated on Election Day the American people ask themselves- is Beelzebub the president we need? Or the one we deserve?