Infinite Crash

Think Groundhog Day but with more young tech-savvy computer hackers and less news reporters and groundhogs. And a little Armageddon thrown in for good measure. The President’s motorcade was attacked, and the commander in chief was killed in the fiery wreck. Naturally, the chief of staff reveals that the government has been funding a secret time travel development program, which is unbelievably close to figuring it out but can’t quite get it to actually work. But they realize who just might be able to: a bunch of too cool for school computer wiz hacker types, since the holdup is obviously a software issue. The young protagonists agree to help solve the problems and get the program to finally work, so agents can go back in time and prevent the crash. But every time they get close, the software crashes and an even worse outcome happens. They’re also working against the clock because an enemy country is taking advantage of the chaos and planning a nuclear attack of course. Can our super cool heroes, fueled by an ultra hip and overbearing nonstop soundtrack provided by a popular artist du jour that studio execs assume young people love, finally stop the cycle and save the world? Sure.