Drag Me To Taco Hell

When a group of three teenage boys make a late night run for the border they encounter an older woman mopping the floors. After cajoling her over her appearance and station in life, they knock her mop water over and laugh as she slips and falls. As they are leaving with their order they don’t realize that she is placing a hex on them- an ancient spell known to her people as the curse of the Gordita. If they don’t atone for their evil pranks in the next three days they will find themselves in Taco Hell; forced to work serving Fourth meal to stoners and punks like themselves for all eternity. Will the increasingly terrifying manifestations of the curse set them straight? We are talking missing items from their order, no sauce even though they asked for it, and finding a half-eaten severed penis in their Grande Queso Burritadillachiccharone Deluxe. An exciting new collaboration between Yum! Brands and Sam Raimi just in time for Halloween, you will never think about eating mas the same way again!