The Muppets Culturally Appropriated Manhattan

During a shoot for The Fancy Porcine, Miss Piggy is photographed wearing a silkworm cloth spun dress. An online firestorm is ignited as to whether Miss Piggy is showing appreciation for the silkworm culture or is appropriating it. Passions are enflamed when Slimey the worm; Oscar’s longtime “pet”, tweets that Miss Piggy’s use of the silkworm spun dress is a blatant racist act meant to harm a historically disadvantaged minority. Piggy’s team fights back claiming that her clothing was only meant bring recognition to the silkworm culture, and it is Oscar himself who is harming Slimey by making him reliant on the grouch. The anger and name calling continues for the entirety of the ninety minute runtime until it just kind of dissolves away in the ether and is forgotten as the next controversy arises. Just like in real life, at the end of the movie everyone is miserable and has no idea what clothes, hairstyle, music, books, or food they can like. Produced in partnership between The Jim Hendon Company and The Hallmark Channel.