Asparagoose (2021)

Hot on the heels of Asparagoose’s distributor’s Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Platinum Dunes snaps up the rights to the ACU, rebooting the series for our darker, grittier world. Stripping away all of his support, Asparagoose (2021) brings the character back to his horror roots in a film and origin no one asked for, or wants. When an unsuspecting goose is caught in gangland gunfire, his corpse is dumped in the swamp. But the Verdant recognizes a soul in anguish and revives the dead goose to be its champion. Working from the shadows, Asparagoose gains revenge on his killers before turning his wraith on the petty thugs and dime bag dealers ruining his old neighborhood. Relive the Asparagoose legend as it was meant to be told: a street-level dark avenger with a chip on his shoulder, spats on his palmates, and lust in his heart in this pointless cash grab.