A Gut Above

Jeremiah Fairmenter is your normal everyday corporate drone stuck in lower middle management trying to stay one step ahead of the ax during the next round of layoffs. After he makes it through another holiday downsize he heads to a local public house with some of his colleagues and decides to celebrate with a strange imported beer, a black lager from Romania called “Beat Crita”. As boozy as it is delicious Jeremiah suddenly feels alive like never before. By the end of the night he has every patron in the bar in his thrall, delightful anecdotes and witticisms tumbling out of him to the crowd’s delight. And the fun doesn’t stop there- through some fluke of his gastrointestinal anatomy his body continues to produce alcohol perpetually- leaving him drunk, yet awesome, all the time. Soon he is on the fast track up the corporate ladder, high-fiving C-level executives in the elevator and nailing presentations in the boardroom, and attracting the attention of Chad Rockbro, Jeremiah’s manager who is none too pleased with his underling’s newfound popularity. When Chad uses petty cash to arrange a kidnapping and back alley poop transplant to put an end to Jeremiah’s constant buzz is it the end of our hero’s tale? Or the start of Chad’s?