Independence Day 1.5

Roland Emmerich’s classic film INDEPENDENCE DAY is arguably one of the most successful alien invasion films starring Will Smith and Bill Pullman that was ever made.  It’s clear why it eventually received a sequel, and heck, if you want a prequel we can serve that up in short order.  But why waste time with a prequel when we can offer the world’s first INTRAquel?!  That’s right.  In what’s probably the only true cinematic sin of the original movie, Randy Quaid’s goofy earth-saving sacrifice scene was given only seconds of screen time.  ID1.5 rights this wrong by expanding on the character’s final introspective moments of insanity before he’s blown to pieces.  If an hour and a half of Randy Quaid’s life flashing before his eyes in a surreal and outlandish stream of semiconscious thoughts and fabricated memories doesn’t say summer popcorn flick, then we don’t know what does.