National Lampoons Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

For years, the National Lampoon name has withstood outdated cultural depictions, risqué content, and the death of John Belushi. But now, it faces it toughest battle; asset liquidation. Once the standard-bearer for considered discourse on vacations, fraternities, and Van Wilders the National Lampoon has become the national punchline. You see, the National Lampoons licenses the name “lampoon” from the Harvard Lampoon and they have payments due every quarter. As they’ve struggled to remain relevant in today’s tepid comedic landscape, payments to their Ivy League progenitor have stalled. When a new Dean at Harvard – who has designs on purchasing the National Lampoon’s most famous assets at low, low liquidation prices, begins to his plan to sink the National Lampoon for good it will take a really futile and stupid gesture to save the once venerable comedy legend.