The Happiest Abduction on Earth

The plan was simple: Step 1: hire a crew. Step 2: Follow the wealthy Vasquez family to the amusement park. Step 3: Take Mrs. Vasquez hostage and wait out the day behind the scenes of a little visited attraction. Step 4: Escape through the underground employee tunnels. Step 5: Collect ransom and profit. A foolproof, 5-Step plan to a better life. The plan was going fine — Mrs. Vasquez was taken, and the abductors were settling into a long afternoon of animatronic singing animals. What the abductors didn’t count on was the Vasquez children knowing the park better than they did. Their plans in disarray and pursued by two dogged children, the abductors must now try to abscond with their hostage out of the park while fighting the crowd. The film will answer the age old question: does having a hostage affect your place in the single rider line? Find out in this film that takes one part Home Alone, one part Weekend at Bernies, and two-thirds part Country Bear Jamboree.