Gold Mountain

Hidden deep in the Adirondack Mountains lay a cache of treasure waiting to be found. In the late 1990s, a tech entrepreneur hid a box filled with treasure somewhere in the mountain range. He posted obscure; and some times conflicting, clues to the location on internet bulletin boards to his “treasure.” Years passed, and no one has been able to locate the treasure, but every year, more and more treasure hunters sought to decipher the clues – some so inscrutable, only a screenwriter could have come up with them. And every year, more and more treasure hunters found themselves hurt; or dead, unprepared for the wilderness – nonetheless, driven by greed and hubris.

But, what if there never was any treasure? What if, the clues were an elaborate honeypot, designed by a disturbed monster – someone who had the time, money, and resources to setup an elaborate hoax and took pleasure in people killing themselves? For three friends who decide to spend their last summer together before college searching for the treasure, they’ll have to battle the wildness, other treasure hunters, and the deadly machinations of a twisted tech billionaire just in order to stay alive.

It’s Saw meets Escape Room meets the true life story of Forrest Fenn in this coming of age musical.