Putting the Horse in Front of the Bed

Mervin Shockley returns in this sequel to Putting the Court Ahead of the Horse!  As expected, Mervin’s hate-filled publicity stunt of trying to marry his therapy horse Applejax became a full blown national fiasco.  But in a surprise twist, the supreme court ruled in favor of inter-species marriage.  Now it’s time for Mervin to pay the piper.  Being as stubborn and thick-headed as he is ignorant and bigoted, admitting that his engagement to Applejax was a ploy is simply not an option.  And in the heat of the media circus leading up to the court ruling, Mervin made many promises and signed many contracts.  Unfortunate contracts.  Contracts involving reality shows and public consummation of his marriage.  Watch Mervin choke on his hubris in this erotic legal drama directed by Roman Polanski.