You're Cooked

After the shocking conclusion of What’s Good for the Goose, Asparagoose finds himself cutoff from the Verdant. Having turned his back on Frigga and his celestial brethren, Asparagoose struggles to find meaning amidst a life filled with countless regrets. His restlessness ultimately leads him to the French countryside where he finds a new flock and a quiet life. Here; in La République, he finds peace and adoration as he and his flock are plied with wine and country butter. The salad days won’t last long as Asparagoose discovers something much more sinister at play – he is being fattened up to be served as faux gras to Le Chef; a Robuchon-esque villain responsible for the spread of haute cuisine internationally. Without his connection to the Verdant, Asparagoose is powerless…but in order to save his new flocks’ bacon a hero must rise and take flight again!