Back to Normal

After six-and-a-half years of college, Dex Long thought he’d finally be starting his life. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had other plans. With no one hiring, and no money to get his own apartment, Dex is forced to move back home with his parents in Normal, IL. While Dex was looking forward to joining the workforce, his parents were on track for an early-retirement and the day when they wouldn’t have to support him any longer. Now, forced back together they must coexist or else their frustrations will boil over into petty arguments. Can Dex teach his parents to use FaceTime? Will Mrs. Long’s OCD compel her to examine all of Dex’s boxes? Will Mr. Long finally declare his work shed sovereign ground and move out? What other contrived situations can we twist and contort the characters into just for a cheap laugh? Probably something to do with mastrubation and uncomfortable sexual situations, that’s for sure. If you’re looking for a passive aggressive game of Survivor – one where no one one can ever get voted out of the house, then Back to Normal is for you.