
Edward is a brilliant physicist at a top university, and he just cracked the secret to full scale matter transportation.  News this big travels fast, and Edward is immediately summoned to give a demonstration of his discovery to a congressional subcommittee, who saw the obvious military benefits of such a finding.  But things take an unexpected turn when Edward and his transportation machine are greeted by a dysfunctional bipartisan group of type-A personality politicians.  No sooner does Edward set up the transporter than the democrat from NY throws a pen through the machine to be the first politician to successfully transport an object.  Not to be outdone, the republican from SC ups the ante and transports himself.  And of course there’s no way the democrat from NC will let a republican be the only one to be able to boast such a claim, so in he goes too!  But in a horrible test of the new technology’s limits, which could have been predicted by any idiot who saw The Fly, the two congressmen become physically entwined.  What happens when vitriolically partisan enemies are forced to share the same jumbled body?  This cerebral political sci-fi comedy will find out.