Cutting it Close

COVID-19 has disrupted everything from restaurants to retail, sporting events to school. But, no business has felt the corona-sting more than hair salons and barbershops. A bastion for those looking to escape their daily drudgery and spend just a little time feeling good about themselves, these establishments have been shuttered by effete liberals due to the quarantine. But one group of patriots is going to stand up for their customers rights to sit down. With the aid of a panel van they bring hairstyling into the the digital age, using apps to connect directly with their customers and to avoid the Fuzz. There’s no where they won’t go to cut hair. No dangerous situation they won’t subject themselves (or their customers) too. No amount of price gauging they won’t engage in to help their customers look good for their early morning Zoom meeting. You’ll dye laughing at all the off-color jokes in this soft reboot of the Barbershop/Beauty Shop Universe.