Is it Edible?

Nationwide stay-at-home orders have taken a toll on our fragile country.  But as they say, every cloud has a sliver lining.  Then that silver lining usually gets obstructed by another cloud.  Typically one that’s a harbinger of lightening or tornadoes.  Things usually go downhill fast at that point.  But this film begins with that brief silver lining of false hope, before the next round of horror sets in.  In response to the crippling boredom and cabin fever plaguing the country, a new game is born.  “Is this edible?”  The rules really don’t need to be explained, though of course we’ll do so in the first act.  Sure, the game is off to an amusing start for our group of 18-24 year old friends.  But things take a tragic toll when the “this surprises no one” consequences set in.  With hospitals and paramedics already stretched too thin, will these friends survive their graphically depicted intestinal issues?  Or will the roaming hoards of marauders and super-zombies get them first…