It's a...Life

For Jeremy, every Christmas Eve seems to play out the same way – an emotionally unstable man and some doofus obsessed with “wings” show up and starts yapping and pointing at him.  The doofus never fails to assure his companion that no one can see or hear them, which is bunk, but as it lets him avoid any social interaction Jeremy typically just plays along and ignores them.   That is, until this year, when his curiosity finally gets the best of him.  Apparently Jeremy’s life is the worst possible version of the infinite variants of his existence.  He’s basically nothing more than a convenient Christmas warning for the myriad alternate versions of his “non-existent” brother, who are disproportionately unhappy about some BS aspect of their otherwise wonderful lives.  Realizing he has nothing to lose, Jeremy secretly tags along on the pair’s trip back to their better reality.  Chaos and hilarity ensue as Jeremy wreaks havoc on alternate time lines in this Jim Carrey anchored dramedy.