Kwansolsmachah Miracle

After falling hard for the made-for-tv holiday movie Santa and Pete, two childhood friends; Rob and Jay, embark on an adventure to purchase dashikis. Knowing the only place to acquire such exotic wares is at an equally exotic location, they venture forth to Venice Beach. Walking the length of the beach they are accosted by street vendors, eavesdrop on inane conversations, and are solicited to purchase illicit substances. By the time they finally find the one stall selling traditional West African garb they realize something: they despise all people, equally and totally. In celebration of this epiphany they decide to hold a party that is offensive to everyone, naming it Kwansolsmachah. Drawing inspiration from traditional year-end celebrations like Kwanza, the Winter’s Solstice, Christmas, and Hanukah, Kwansolsmachah is a celebration of gluttony, lust, regret, and repentance. In the gold of mourning, as the island rhythms of the bongo drums wane, the friends pledge their lives to spreading the gospel of Kwansolsmachah and achieving tax exempt status. Social media proves an effective tool to attract new followers to the cause, but it has also increased Rob and Jay’s disdain for people; including each other. As their flock grows, a schism between the fundamentalist and transcendentalist wings brews and the two former friends need to work together to heal the divide and show that all organized religion; including – and especially, theirs, is stupid.