A Kwansolsmachah Reckoning

It’s been 5 years since Rob and Jay, the former leaders of the fundamentalist and transcendentalist wings of Kwansolmachah, ended up ridding the world of organized religion.  Wars have dropped 3%, global warming is no longer a threat (though “planetary heating” is now ravaging the Earth), and unemployment is simply no longer discussed publicly.  It’s a virtual utopia.  That is, until an archeological dig uncovers the ancient scrolls of the Soulbuds.  What was once assumed to be a goofball stab at tax-exempt status turns out to be the one true religion: Fundandental Kwansolsmachanity.  As Rob and Jay come to terms with their new prophet status, and the fact that the holy spirit of the Soulbuds was working through them in an effort to right mankind’s ways, the world must grapple with the new concept that everyone truly is bound by one spiritual force.  A new era of universal acceptance and cooperation is finally achieved.  For about 5 minutes.  When people in every corner of the globe inevitably find some other nonsense to fight over.