A Very Hallmark Pandemic

Susan is a successful big city lawyer/fashion-designer, far too busy for frivolous things like family and romance.  But when her world of transcontinental flights and hobnobbing with society’s elite is suddenly replaced with isolated home confinement and Zoom meetings, she begins re-thinking her life choices.  This comes to a head when she reluctantly attends a Zoom memorial service for her uncle Joe, and virtually bumps into her old small town high school sweetheart Jonathan.  A montage of virtual dates reveals that kind-hearted Jonathan has awoken long buried feelings in Susan.  And making things even more tragically unbearable, Jonathan happens to work as a nurse in a hospital only a few blocks away from Susan, but because of stay at home orders they can’t declare their love for each other in person.  Throwing caution to the wind, Susan decides it’s time to take drastic action.  She deliberately gets infected with the coronavirus so she can be admitted into Jonathan’s hospital.  Music soars as the two share their first horribly ill-advised embrace, and credits roll as the re-united love birds gaze foggily into each other’s eyes while sharing a ventilator built for two.