Air Buddies: Apocalypse

It’s been over two decades since Air Bud first amazed the world with his mastery of nearly every professional sport.  And over a decade since we saw his five offspring dazzle, and then separated and adopted by loving families across the country.  That’s plenty of time to have asked important questions about where they came from and what their purpose was, but understandably people were too busy gawking and basking in their adorableness and strong messaging about family.  And that was a costly mistake.  The apocalypse has struck, Satan roams the earth, and hope has been all but lost.  As Timothy, a hardened 14 year old teen and one of the word’s few survivors soon learns, the real reason for Bud’s incredible gifts was that he was the chosen one.  Earth’s savior whose powers would ultimately be divided among 5 protector beasts, which when united would be capable of stopping the darkness from consuming humanity.  We now know that the separation of these pups was the hidden work of Lucifer himself, in attempt to assure his victory.  The only hope is for Timothy to track down all 5 pups, now vicious feral creatures with a blood lust for vengeance, to put an end to Satan’s rule and restore humanity.  The feel good adventures of Air Bud and the Air Buddies continues in this apocalyptic adventure with stakes that could not be higher.