Neon Genesis Evangeline Lilly

Take famously unfilmable anime Neon Genesis Evangelion and mix it with Kid’s Choice Award Nominee for Favorite Female Buttkicker Evangeline Lilly and you’ve got a mashup that will guarantee being greenlit. Kid’s still like mashups, right? It doesn’t matter, because we’ve got revered source material, a fantastic actress, and a pun-ny title. You’ve got savior teenagers, Extinction events that wipe out most of humanity, pseudo-religious imagery, tortured philosophizing, father issues, mother issues, giant robots, sexual awakenings, sexual repressions, manifestations of Christian angels in the shells of Kajui monsters, giant robots that may or may not contain the souls of the savior teenagers mothers, and (in our version) Evangeline Lily for some reason! The best part is, I didn’t even have to write the actual pitch, because the actual story is so ridiculous it will work. So, hurry up and demand this one before Peter Jackson ruins another classic.