Gone with the Wing

Have you ever wondered why Kentucky Fried Chicken suddenly became KFC? The urban legend was that as health concerns swept the nation, they wanted to drop the ‘fried’ from their name…but the truth is more sinister. KFC really wanted to remove ‘chicken’ from their name…well, actually they were legally required to drop it since they hadn’t served “chicken” since Colonel Sanders terrorized the American south. See, years ago, they switched to an internal breeding program and developed Animal 57, a foot-less, beak-less “bird” fattened up by electrodes and feeding tubes. But when the Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich ™️ takes the world by storm, KFC food scientists decide to strike back.

Working on Animal 58, a chlamydia resistant alternative that would power the Triple Down, a chicken patty sandwiched between two chicken patties. The KFC food scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could create the Triple Down, they didn’t stop to think if they should. But, when their breeding goes wrong and Animal 58 mutates into something too angry and electroshock-resistant to be contained, it’s up to a plucky group of “chicken” herders to bring it in…dead or alive.

Next summer, prepare to double down on fun and triple down on excitement as we quadruple down on our lawyer fees. It’s The Predator meets Jurassic Park, meets The Three Caballeros in the summer’s most costly advert, but most exciting Mr. Pibb product placement vehicle.