Pickleball - The Motion Picture

The fastest-growing adult sport in America comes to the big screen in an attempt to endear it to younger generations…and fails spectacularly!

Trent Vigor was the star of the school tennis team until he was forced out in disgrace when a video showing him replacing the strings on his tennis racket with experimental government-grade super Kevlar surfaced on Truth Social. Despite protests to the coach that the video was faked the social damage was already done, and his reputation as a fraud casts him to the bottom of the school hierarchy.

When eating lunch alone the following week he is approached by Scrud Chevlin, another spurned misfit who usually hides in the computer lab all day, who informs Trent that he has been able to trace the ISP of the person who posted the falsified video, and a deal is struck: Scrud will reveal the culprit and help Trent restore his standing if he in turn helps him be less of a computer-y loser.

They begin to work together in the only place Trent can still practice his tennis swing, the local Pickleball court, and Trent is shocked to find that Scrud has a natural talent for the game. Soon their play on the court attracts the attention of the local bored housewives that gather there each afternoon, who are both drawn to Trent’s athleticism and intoxicated by how easily Scrud can utilize Instagram filters to make them all look decades younger in the pictures they post. 

Yadda yadda yadda the mystery video poster is unsurprisingly revealed to be Trent’s rival Brad Emery Shaddack, forever jealous of Trent’s popularity and backhand, and as Trent and Scrud challenge he and his croney Grugg to a doubles match at Pickleball the stakes are laid out- the losers have to insert the handles of their rackets into their anuses for the remainder of the weekend and document the humiliation in a series of TikToks. Of course Trent and Scrud win, and rather than follow through on the sodomization of their foes, they bang Brad and Grugg’s moms and all the other housewives as well, and post that instead. Not everyone wins, but no one really loses either. ‘Murica!