Don’t Watchers

Nepo babies have all the fun in Hollywood, it would seem. It’s not bad enough that the parents make unwatchable movies but now we have to endure the second generation of cringe induced by films “written, produced and directed” by the spawn of mediocrity incarnate. 

In this horror adjacent film, with a twist so shocking even Chubby Checker can’t get with it, we see a group of people we don’t give a sh*t about being stalked and, presumably, eaten by creatures that are creepy and icky. Spoiler alert: Jump-scare, jump-scare! “Soylent Green is people!” 

Who cares? 

You do because you just spent your, presumably, hard earned money on this drivel. So the real horror comes when you realize you’ll be eating ramen all week because you spent your dough on this crapola