It’s The Muppets meet Ghost Rider in this harrowing tale of love, loss and poor decisions. Beaker was a mild mannered yet anxiety-riddled lab assistant who yearned for more than just being the sidekick who gets blown up for laughs. One day, after a particularly unfortunate miscalculation and horrific explosion, Beaker found himself on death’s door. In a desperate attempt to cling to life, he made an ill-advised deal with the devil. In exchange for his soul, beaker’s life would be spared and HE’D be made the head scientist of Muppet Labs. Little did he know that his nights would now be forever spent engulfed in flames and forced to do the devil’s bidding. The devil’s bidding mostly consists of making flaming Beaker work late night DoorDash shifts and scaring the bajeezus out of unsuspecting customers when they open the door.