Stockings Wide Shut

This long-awaited psychosexual thriller begins on Christmas day at the North Pole, as an exhausted Santa returns home from a long night of work. Apparently Mrs. Claus had spent the night hitting the egg nog pretty hard, and was in a bit of a mood. The type of nog-fueled mood that sent years of repressed feelings of being underappreciated bubbling to the surface. In a passive-aggressive ambush for the ages she describes, in graphic detail, her unrequited lust for a former giftwrapping elf in the workshop. Exhausted, confused and driven by a relentless feeling of jealousy, Santa sets off on a shadowy night-long adventure of playing detective, infiltrating a magical orgy for some reason, and befriending questionable characters. Returning home early on December 26 a broken man, the film ends with Mrs. Claus whispering the couple’s only way forward into Santa’s ear. We won’t spoil it, but it’s fornication.