Citizen Cane Toad

In this film (a poorly disguised biographical portrait of Rupert Murdoch), a miserable orphaned sociopath in the Australian outback lives among the scourge of cane toads, his only friends. His constant exposure to the bufotoxin drives him to constantly hallucinate and babble nonsense. This makes him especially suited to the job of newspaper publisher as the stream of psychobabble appeals to ignorant bogans and elderly Americans. As he expands his media empire his love for toads only increases and he becomes engaged to marry a particularly monstrous female cane toad named Foxy Brown, measuring a whopping 9.5 inches snout to vent. The beautifully shot intimate scenes between these young lovers are a highlight of the film.  Soon Foxy is pregnant with thousands of young toadlets who rapidly grow into an army of on air talent for the newly launched Fox News. Although severely mentally unstable and emotionally stunted, Bill, Glenn, Sean and Tucker do their best to support their father’s cause even with their congenital afflictions including bouts of on-air logorrhea and unhinged coprophagia.

In the films epic finale we see Citizen Cane Toad descending into hell and being greeted by his father, Satan who says “Good Job, Buddy.” Mel Gibson has expressed interest in the lead role and directing.