To Russia with Love

From campaign rallies to golf courses to court-ordered appearances, big men, macho men, macho macho men would come up to former President Trump with tears in their eyes and; while prostrating, say, “sir, it’s unfair how you’ve been treated” and how they wished they could help him. And, once Trump is found guilty of his many, many, many crimes, they can!

A bunch of patriots decide the only way to keep Trump safe is to spirit him off to Russia where he can rule as the MAGA King in exile. This bottle episode screwball comedy takes place over one night off the coast of Palm Beach as these patriots convince Trump that while the grass might not be greener in Russia, the rupples definitely are.

Who are we kidding. We’re betting Trump still has the Girls of the Soviet Union Playboy issue, and if Trump is about one thing, it’s ethnic cooze. One look at the girls of Slovenia, and the film will over in 20 minutes, so we’ll have to submit in the short-length film category for Oscar considertion.