The Kid(ney Stone) Stays in the Picture

The say great art is often born out of great pain. Follow Uncle Muffin and a documentary crew as he recalls the great pain of a rushed trip to the ER for his first kidney stone. Relive all the bad decision that led to one of the worst days of his life – drinking over 100 ounces of water in a 3 hour period, choosing an ER over an hour away, a vomit-magnet white t-shirt, and many more in Uncle Muffin’s quest to find a position where he is comfortable in. Recall his secret shame; as in a morphine induced moment of truth, confesses his murder-suicide pact with Captain Popetsastic – If either one dies, the other has to kill Ben Affleck and make it look like a suicide. Will Uncle Muffin heal in time to post Captain Popetastic’s next pitch so as to not break the streak? How many times can he turf Chad Pitchington’s calls before Chad never calls back? Find out in behind the scenes exposé of the freestanding emergency department market. Narrated by Alan Alda.