City of Devils

It’s both the sequel and the Nic Cage vehicle you thought you would never get- the new gothic romance movie follow-up to 1998’s treacly supernatural drama, City of Angels. 2020 is the perfect year to focus on the other side of that coin after all!

Meg Ryan is back but this time as herself, doomed to hell for all eternity for dating John Cougar Mellencamp on earth. And Cage is here not as the kindly angel but as each and every demon in Hell- all focused on tormenting Meg for her earthly sins. It’s “uncaged Cage” at its finest. Chuckle as he does a mean Dennis Quaid impression. Roar as he tortures Meg with memories of her time with Russell Crowe. Sob as he sings along with the Goo Goo Dolls that he would “give up forever to torch her” And relate as Meg pleads with Nic to spare her, and finds love, and a little bit out about herself, in the process of being tortured daily by idiots all around her in a ceaseless hellscape.