Behind Every Great Wheelchair...

World War II movie are a cottage industry. Right now, filmmaker Ken Burns is developing a PBS documentary on World War II films – probably. At this point, there’s not too much new ground to cover. Allies good. Axis bad. Nazis REAL bad…although you might not know that from the state of America today. Anyway….Behind Every Great Wheelchair reexamines World War II in a new light using the most timely of trends – by putting a woman front and center in the story. And in this case, that woman is Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor’s contribution to the war effort have gone largely unrecognized outside of the most liberal of colleges. Her codename was “Rover” because she traveled tireless around the world organizing efforts to win the war. In our take, not only will she be FDR’s emotional pincushion but also the mastermind of the D-Day invasion. Think of it like Ghostbusters (2016), but with much less Melissa McCarthy. On second thought, she might be a great choice to convey the gravity and weight of the situation. She carried a nation on her back all while pushing her husband forward. We just need to find a man to write and direct it.