A Rose by Another Name

Rose is an ardent gamer and cosplayer.  At this year’s SDCC she went all out, fashioning a glorious getup as her favorite super-powered video game hero Bustique.  Her costume was so realistic and detailed that she even made herself a Bustique drivers license (complete with a list of super powers) to put in her utility belt. But when a freak jay-walking-Uber mishap on her way to the convention left her badly injured, the well-intentioned but clearly not too bright Uber driver took Rose to his home to nurse her back to health.  In her full blown amnesiac state, Rose and the driver soon deduced that her name is Bustique and she’s a super hero.  Join Rose and her new driver sidekick as they painfully and hilariously find out, one by one, each super power that she does not actually have.