Princess Leia's Other Buns

There is a Wookiee saying— “ AARRR WGH GGWAH.” Loosely translated it means some Wookiee’s eat to live, other Wookiee’s live to eat. Even in a galaxy far, far away sustenance is a powerful motivator. Yoda ate a disgusting stew of bark, roots, snakes, and mud, Chewbacca loved fresh Porg, and Jar Jar well he liked to steal apples with his Gene Simmons-esquse tongue. But the greatest delicacy in the galaxy was Alderaanian Spice Buns, a treasure thought lost to the technological terror named Death Star. But Leia Organa Solo; the democratically elected Princess of Alderaan, was savy enough to hide a copy of the recipe and create a map to its hiding place. Follow a new cast of heroes (and some returning fan favorites) as they scour the galaxy for the missing piece of the map to Princess Leia’s buns. At least until the sequel, when the audience find out the buns were rice pudding all along.