Monkey's on the Storm

Eons ago, the Monkey Lord was cast from the Celestial Hall by his siblings. For millennia, he’s plotted his return to take his place on the throne of Orzarack and enact revenge on his siblings. In exile, he embraced necromonkey, and conjured four champions; the Storm Monkeys, undead warriors who ride forth and rain down terror and confusion. The Storm Monkey’s judgment is swift, their vengeance brutal, their fur matted in the blood of their master’s enemies.

But, the Monkey Lord’s siblings have their own champions. Some call them the Four Horsemen, others the Harbingers. No matter the name, all fear their arrival as the start of the apocalypse. A clarion call pierces the void and the horsemen have been called forth to fight – the ageless battle is entering its final act. The only winner in the fight between undead monkeys and the four horsemen is the audience.