OK, Boomer!

In the profitable tradition of odd couple movies comes the most timely and inevitable of them all.  Meet Andrew, a cookie-cutter millennial navigating his way through the non-traditional remote-marketing corporate world.  Wanting to dedicate as much of his paycheck as possible to ‘life experiences’ rather than rent and savings, Andrew takes in a roommate using the RANDOROOMIE app.  Hilarity ensues when the chosen match turns out to be 70 year old Larry.  Disagreements about priorities, criticisms of life choices, interrupted dinner dates… these are just a few of the hysterical obstacles that the two must work through before they come to the realization that they’re both just awful people.  Will moviegoers point out the “plot hole” that a boomer like Larry would have been unlikely to use a roommate finder app?  Or do we need to add a scene where his daughter sets it up for him.