Sticky Kids

Mr. Farnsmire lives a joyless life running a small goat farm that’s hemorrhaging money.  Yes, apparently goat farms are a thing.  One afternoon Mr. Farnsmire is visited by a similarly joyless door-to-door taffy salesman.  Yes, that exists in this world as well.  Both men get to complaining about their lives, and eventually decide to swap careers for a week to at least get a break from their usual worries and experience new ones.  Farnsmire’s mood actually improves as he cruises down the road in a fully-loaded taffy truck, until he discovers his new dilemma- a litter of his baby goats have stowed away and got into the merch!  Hilarity ensues as the sticky “kids’ cause one mishap after another until both men eventually find inner peace or something.  Capitalizing on the spreading legalization of marijuana and predicted increase in altered-state movie-viewing, the baby goats are real and the people are CGI.  Mind…blown…