Competitive Racism

This was originally going to be called Trading Races, but then we realized that was a little like the actual the plot to Trading Places so, well we came up with this instead…

André is a young, continental European Indy car driver. Chet is a good ‘ole Southern NASCAR driver. In the grand tradition of body swapping movies, André and Chet switch bodies in the middle of a race. Now, they must learn some silly lesson that only ever occurs in the movies in order to switch back. Will Chet grow to like Escargot and French cheese? Can André whiten the tobacci stains off his new teeth and discover the joys of burnt ends? Will we offend all of the remaining movie going public? Find out next summer in a racing movie that has nothing to do with family, and everything to do with body swappin’…at least until we can get either the Rock, John Cena, Jason Statham, or the ghost of Paul Walker to sign on to the sequel.