A Globetrotters Thanksgiving

Being the best player in Washington General history is a lot like being the number one hooker in Laughlin, Nevada. Every night you get paid a pittance to be shit on while a horde of gawking morons laugh at you. And at the end of the night, you’re still in Laughlin. So it shouldn’t come as any surprise when Clem “Buddy” Jenkins, the eponymous best player in Generals history tries to kill himself. But, in true Generals fashion, he bungles the breakaway layup. As he lays convalescing, Buddy is visited by the ghosts of Curly Neal and Sweet Lou Dunbar who show him how important the Generals continued futility is to happiness of everyone else in the world. Buddy’s new found mission in life is to mend the fence between the Globetrotters and the Generals with an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner. Part A Christmas Story, part It’s a Wonderful Life A Globetrotters Thanksgiving is a story about the enduring bond of sport, friendship, and the glory of Christ in a movie not even brave enough to name itself after the lead’s team.