The Blair Underwood Project

The legend of Blair Underwood, the talented young actor who disappeared after a star-making turn on L.A. Law continues to grow annually. Some say when L.A. Law ended in 1994, he walked into the woods to perform Shakespeare to the woodland creatures. Other say he stumbled on a covert plot by the Free Masons to scotch Boris Yeltsin’s first term as Russian Prime Minister, and he was ‘removed’. The only thing we do know, is that he never acted in anything again — that’s totally true and you probably don’t need to look it up. What we do know is that for years, people have been searching for Blair and documenting their exploits on the internet. We’ve edited as much of it as was available under public domain to create a “found footage” documentary. Is it scary? Not unless you think weirdos crying in the forest is haunting. Unlike Blair’s short career, not every pitch can be brilliant.