Must Love Cats

Romantic comedies are easy. Slap a few recognizable actors in a scene, add some comic mischief, and pray that the audience buys it. When a romcom works; like A Bridge to Terabethia, the results can be box office magic They’re also super easy to pump out. Which is why the Hallmark channel is always producing them. Very little effort is required to stand a romcom up. Do the romantic leads hate each other? Who cares, because for the most part they don’t even have to share much screen time to make the relationship work. Just give the romantic lead a friend to pine to and you’re set. Don’t believe it? Go back and count how many minutes Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins actual spend together in Silence of the Lambs if you want the blueprint for a successful screen romance.

And that’s our pitch. Something that requires very little effort. Nothing challenging. You already know the broad strokes: there’s a girl. And a boy. Cats are important to the girl (because, let’s face it…it’s the girl who’s into cats). There’s a meet-cute. They start dating. Some misunderstanding occurs (possible cat-related?). Boy makes big romantic gesture and they end up together. Lock picture. 

Does the actual pitch matter? No, it doesn’t. Pre-production starts tomorrow.